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Drivers make it possible to get meals to students in rural areas

Over a dozen drivers make it possible for the Richland School District to provide meals to over 2,000 students during the pandemic.

The drivers make the trek to students in rural Shafter, helping those who were unable to make it into town on a daily basis to pick up food.

Through the USDA Summer Seamless Feeding Option waiver, the school district provides breakfast, lunch and dinner to children ages 2-18 Monday through Friday through drive-thru meal service at their three campuses, as well as at various bus stops and through a mobile delivery route.

There are five different locations on the bus routes that are serviced, with one crew servicing Fresno Avenue and Alamo Lane, and Fresno Avenue and Hicks. The other crew handles Smiths Corner and La Colonia. Bus driver Rick Sharp is joined by Jose Avila, Sonia Reyes and Anna Valdivia at the Fresno Avenue locations. They hand out meals to over 250 students daily.

Driver Diana Gutierrez, along with Lizbeth Ayala Guevara, Erik Calvillo and Carina Cortez do the same for the Smith's Corner and La Colonia locations.

There is also a crew for the Shafter Farm Labor Camp that includes driver Agustin Raya, with Mary Mendez, and a Mobile Route that delivers to up to 450 students. The Mobile Crew consists of bus drivers Mario Mora, Adrian Cortez, Brandie Rockey and Susan Shubin.

Director of Nutritional Services Mason Hollingsworth said that he is so fortunate to have such a hard working and dedicated staff to serve the Richland School District.

"Through the entire ordeal, without missing a beat, our staff has kept the welfare and needs of our kids as our first priority," he said. "I am proud to have them in our Richland School District family."


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