Serving the community since 1922

Shafter celebrates Easter Sunday

The Shafter Kiwanis Club held their annual Easter Sunrise Service at Mannel Park on Sunday, giving residents a chance to celebrate Resurrection Sunday together as a community.

Over 100 attendees were met with hot coffee and donuts, taking the bite out of the very cold morning. They were welcomed with music by David Bleomhof, as well as an opening prayer by Kiwanis President Ben Wilson.

Randy Toews sang a "He Arose" to open the service, then a scripture was read by Kiwanis member Arlie Smith.

The message for the service was delivered by Pastor Pat Coyle of the Mennonite Brethren Church. Coyle told the attendees that he wanted to talk about the ever-changing power grid. "When I was growing up, there were a number of energy sources that were used, including oil, gas, electricity, as well as steam power. Today, there are times when we are in danger of having a rolling brownout to alleviate the energy supply problems."

Coyle went on to say that our Lord and Savior has an infinite power supply that never diminishes. "When you think about it, God can give us power that is so much more powerful than any power source that we can display here on earth. We just have to be able to receive that power and use it as He wants us to."

He said that the Holy Spirit is like our conduit to this power, helping us to harness the energy and keep plugged in to this limitless power source.

Coyle challenged everyone to think about how we sometimes try to use our own power, trying to make things happen on our own, without using His outlet. This is never a productive practice, but He waits patiently, ready to plug us back in when we are ready to receive that power once again. "We can do all things through Christ, with his power, using His gifts that he bestows upon us to help us use His mighty power," he said in his message.

Toews led the hymn "Because He Lives" before those assembled were.dismissed with a closing prayer by Craig Haley.

This service drew people from a variety of sources and different denominations, coming together for a common purpose.


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