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Trojans become Generals at graduation

Over 250 Richland Junior High students celebrated their last night as Trojans last Thursday night, preparing themselves for four years as Shafter High Generals.

This achievement is no small feat, and the rewards for the hard work were a diploma and a big welcome by Shafter High Principal Russell Shipley, who congratulated all of the graduates and said that he looked forward to meeting every one of them.

There were two student speakers at the event, the valedictorian and the salutatorian, who this year were Carlie Acosta and Adolfo Palacios Perez Jr., respectively.

Acosta gave an eloquent speech about the great memories that they will cherish from their days as Trojans, including dressing up for Halloween and great friendships. "But now it is time that we open a new chapter in our lives, high school. I think that we can all agree that all of us are pretty nervous about the next chapter in our lives," she said..

The other speaker was Palacios Perez, who gave his fellow students a trip down memory lane, such as the time their bus broke down on a long trip, or the time that they went to Disneyland only to have it rain all day long.

But Palacios-Perez said that he was excited about the possibilities that await him and his class. He said that they needed to try to achieve what you can today, because we are not promised tomorrow. "Seize the day, put little trust into tomorrow."

Master and Mistress of Ceremonies for the event were Tommy Trojan Thomas Unfried and Tammy Trojan Jade Dimas. Dimas and Unfried both were confident and introduced the different speakers for the evening.

Superintendent Rosa Romera congratulated all of the graduates and said that each of them had traveled through a journey filled with triumphs and challenges. "As you step onto Shafter High, remember that the journey ahead will be filled with opportunities and obstacles. Embrace every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow."

Trustees of the Richland School District helped hand out the diplomas, with many students expressing a sigh of relief as they walked across the stage.


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